Bringing my whole self to life.

Andrew Murray Dunn
24 min readNov 13, 2020


Note A: I drafted this piece in late 2017 but never published until I started drafting a post-mortem for Siempo in late 2020. Enjoy!

What a time to be a young, privelaged white guy and running a startup in Silicon Valley. What comes to mind when you think of that person?

Four years ago in India I began a journey. It started with my relationship to technology, and has since permeated all other aspects of my life experience. In the process, I’ve come closer to knowing who I am, what I value and how and where to direct my energy in this world. As a creator of a tech tool you might use someday, I want you to know why I’m doing this and how I’m thinking about it, because what we make is an expression of who we are. I’m feeling empowered and safe to speak my truth, so here it goes.

If you would like to skip around, feel free to Command+F the following main sections:

One digital native’s struggle.

This is the story of my past addiction to smartphones and social media.

Technology for humans being.

This is the story of my journey with Siempo, the phone for humans.

Running the most important company on Earth.

This is the story that I have the privilege of writing.

One digital native’s struggle.

This is the story of my past addiction to smartphones and social media.

“How we spend the brutally limited resource of our attention will determine our lives to a degree most of us prefer not to think about.

We must reflect that, when we reach the end of our days, our life experience will equal to what we have paid attention to, whether by choice or default.

We are at risk, without quite fully realising it, of living lives that are less our own than we imagine.”

–Tim Wu, The Attention Merchants

I’ve suffered so little in this lifetime. When one doesn’t need anything, what does one do? How much risk does one take? How far to expand one’s circle of obligation? This paradox of choice can be paralyzing 🐣

Well, there’s one thing that bothers me just enough, because it’s so blatantly obvious to me why it’s a problem and how we can stop it. I’m talking about this whole attention economy we have willed into existence, resulting from our love affair with screens and how lucrative it has become to take advantage of people’s attention. I’m not angry about it; I’m deeply concerned by the rate we’re responding to it, and fascinated by what are fast becoming some of the central moral questions of our time. Let me explain why I care about tech companies making products so addictive.

Recently I’ve noticed a spike in alarming articles on tech’s impact on teenage mental health, an issue I am concerned about but seldom felt personally connected to. Upon further reflection, I realized this was my lived experience too.

I got my first cell phone and personal computer in my room at the ripe ol’ age of 13.

From the day I received these shiny, insidious tools to my first night without WiFi 10 years later, I operated under a hypnosis that stifled my development and watered down my potential.

The prime years of my life were more of a lost decade. This is not hyperbole. I was largely an unhappy, lonely, apathetic teenager. I was an addict. It’s impossible to trace the paths of causation, but emerging research reinforces the notion that screens are fundamentally changing the essence of our being. I was one of the first young adults to endure this new reality, and am in for a life-long process of remediation 😔

I wonder how much human to human connection time in my teenage years was replaced by AIM, Facebook and Reddit, and how that stunted my social skills during a critical development phase of my life. I recall feeling lonely and left out on a regular basis, but had neither the emotional maturity to recognize and regulate these feelings, nor the mentors to see that something was up and offer support. In response, I developed a thicker shell, not once shedding a tear throughout all of middle and high school.

I pegged my self-worth to social media metrics and how consumed I was with constant communication, expending invaluable energy constructing intricate online facades of the person I wasn’t. Social acceptance became the highest priority — I used to take pride in silly things like “knowing” so many people and holding records for number of messages on a list-serve, despite feeling tremendous anxiety in many IRL social situations.

The more my attention was pulled out of my body, the less connection I had with my intuition. This may be one of the bigger tragedies few acknowledge–that we are losing our ability to listen to what our body needs.

I could not pay attention in the majority of my college lectures, where phones and laptops were freely welcomed. I worked my ass off for a 2.98 GPA, given that I was spending four (five? six?) hours per day on my phone alone. Social media and messaging apps made it so easy to stop and do something else whenever I hit a wall, preventing me from truly working hard and smart. I certainly didn’t “learn how to think,” and therefore struggled to develop strong foundations for advanced studies, mental models, personal values and opinions on pretty much anything. My sphere of caring about people and events did not extend past my peer groups on social media.

Once I nearly injured a friend while stealing a glance at my phone when I was supposed to be spotting him on the bench press. I can’t count how many times I almost got into an accident due to texting and driving, and texting and walking. In my second month of college I woke up in the hospital after a night of binge drinking, having recently discovered the social lubricating power alcohol had on a young man with low self-esteem.

I really didn’t deserve significant chunks of my salary from previous employers because of the amount of time I spent working on personal things (mostly social and dating life) instead of work. In job after job I felt neither energized nor motivated, despite believing I was an expert at multi-tasking. One of my deepest regrets is compulsively running upstairs after family meals (not just holiday dinners) to get back to surfing the web. Hours and hours of missed quality time and conversation with relatives that I will never get back. I cringe at the thought of spending family car rides buried in my devices and precious vacations holed up alone in the hotel room.

I’m sorry for the bad example I set for my younger siblings. It’s with a heavy heart that I believe smartphones and social media prevented me from developing stronger relationships with my family until later in life. No wonder Steve Jobs and other tech executives did not let their kids use their products, and Dong Nguyen pulled Flappy Bird from the App Store.

Not only was I obsessively checking social media profiles, I would also wake up in the middle of the night and find myself swiping through multiple dating apps for half an hour, praying that this person would swipe me or that person would respond to my messages. This gave me such a flawed perception of romance and relationships, as well as my own value as a human. For awhile I saw dating as a game, where more matches and dates were somehow an indication of personal success. For a shy and awkward guy already comfortable with doing everything else online, I grew dependent on these outlets for pseudo-romantic connection. The apps gave me such a rush whenever I was feeling lonely or needing validation. Funnily enough, I would find that half the joy in going on dates was the opportunity to have deep and vulnerable human connection, because I was unable to experience that in my peer groups. However, once in relationships, I was often too self-conscious to express myself in front of my partner through song, body language, free expression or open and honest communication about my feelings.

Mental health is about being able to work to your full potential, cope with day to day stress, feel connected to others, and live your life in a free and satisfying way. With that definition, my mental health was poor for that first decade with technology. Sleep deprived, overworked, lonely. I walked around the real world frown, and the online world with a mask.

I can only imagine how much worse things would have been if I were born 10 years later. What if I had a fully loaded iPhone at age 11 instead of 21?

It’s really a tragedy that we have limitless potential, yet we squander our attention unknowingly to powerful interests, creeping their way into our inner worlds at an accelerating rate. We increasingly have less control over our thoughts and wellbeing than we realize. And that’s what fires me up: now that we have a better understanding of the impact of these products on people, wouldn’t their creators do something about it? What kind of digital world are we creating for our children? Apparently not one we feel comfortable having our kids play in 😖

This is where my optimism takes a hit; if the world’s most profitable and seemingly progressive companies fail to take bold leadership to lessen the harm they are causing, to sacrifice short term returns for doing what is ethical, then are we doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes? i.e. build whatever technology will satisfy a random market opportunity, scale it to the max and flat out ignore the negative externalities created? I have no malice for the executives at these firms, for I firmly believe these were unintended consequences, and I understand they are wrestling with some of the hardest questions at the intersection of business and philosophy.

In the meantime, consumers must become more aware of the perverse incentives and personal risks of using products like Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube. Entrepreneurs must build alternative, “organic” products that are better aligned with our goals. Employees in tech must take a stand against unethical behavior. The movement to align tech with humanity will be slow, but it’s too important to take this fight sitting down.

I, for one, am stoked about the opportunities to reimagine how our society can be served by technology and the companies behind it. In a way, the consumer industrial complex has given us this magical tool that, when designed with different objectives and used with skillful intention can break one out of all social programming — the hypnosis of technology, of self-doubt, of otherness. Imagine this magical wand as an all-knowing mentor to help users connect with a better version of themselves and realize more of their full potential 😺

It has taken me four years and counting of experimenting with dozens of combinations of apps and new habits–not to mention expensive and esoteric transformative experiences–to crawl myself out of these addictions and set up my own systems for success. Now what if our tools were simply designed that way?

Personal struggles gave me the capacity to care about solving a problem, which guided me to the place I am in today. I am grateful for the struggle. But I won’t stand for watching the next billion children have their wellbeing and humanity robbed from them.

Technology for humans being.

This is the story of my journey with Siempo, the phone for humans.

“Is my life energy being useful in the world in a way that is aligned with my own values?”

— Courtney Martin, On Being

Upon leaving a fast-growing tech company in the spring of 2016, I once again had a blank canvas on which to paint my life onto, in San Francisco: the place that has long invited and celebrated creativity and experimentation. The morning after provided the first signal: for the first time in sixteenth months, I woke up and did not reach for my phone to follow the unconscious Gmail-Slack-Messenger-Messages-Gmail-Slack loops. Ahhhh 😎 The blissful feeling that morning was on par with what I had experienced that fateful night in India in 2014, the first time I was alone and without internet in a decade.

I felt supremely refreshed, with a world of opportunity in front of me and a clear question of what matters to me? What do I focus my energy on? I had found myself in between jobs several times, and welcomed the opportunity to follow my curiosities to figure out the next move. In the ensuing days and weeks, I entertained careers pivots from neuroscience to urban planning. But I kept coming back to this notion of my relationship with technology. I had by now worked at several early stage startups where the culture was always on, 24/7 multitasking, little work-life balance or support for mental wellbeing. With each startup experience I had felt persistent burnout from the stress of constant connectivity and task switching thousands of times a day and night. Was there an opportunity to solve that problem?

These ideas of “slow tech” had now been brewing inside of me for several years as I actively sought to improve my relationship to my phone and apps, experimenting with digital detoxes and various productivity tools to sharpen my ability to focus. There was this one note-taking concept percolating in my mind for some time, as I had developed a near-obsession with taking notes on my phone. The mental model went something like: if I record this thought / idea / recommendation, I will be sure to revisit it, and in time it will happen. It served me quite well as a sort of roadmap for life, as thoughts lead to ideas, ideas lead to action, action leads to habit, and habit leads to character.

Meanwhile it had become increasingly obvious that when I didn’t have my face in a screen–while in the shower, on a hike, or simply out of pure choice–my mind felt clear. I was more present and creative. I felt happier. Life was better 🤗 This was curious to me, and seemed fairly obvious.

When one is immersed in a screen, they aren’t experiencing the worlds around and within them, which offer lots of useful information.

I wanted more people to understand this so they could feel better in an existence increasingly dominated by screens. Helping others find a healthy balance felt like a worthy endeavor, so I began working on a product to simultaneously solve my screen compulsion issues and scratch the note-taking itch. Buddhi (Sanskrit for “mind”) was a wearable that would let users get their thoughts down without having their phone on them💡

I had zero hardware or software development experience, but weeks later found myself hacking together an Arduino starter kit with wireless charging and Bluetooth Low Energy boards, battery and microphone and the rest. My aim was to create a ring that users could record voice notes to, which would send and transcribe them onto the phone’s notes app when back in range of the phone. I wanted to help people disconnect, and still have a conduit back to the digital world to capture their thoughts. The idealist in me saw this as a precursor to an ethical brain-computer interface: the stenographer for your mind, that would respect user privacy and never sell their data! A good tech company, if you will 🤓

The three months that I worked on Buddhi were extremely energizing because they pushed me to open my eyes and start being in California as opposed to merely working and playing there. It inspired me to strike up conversations with random people on the street, attend events on topics of interest that I wouldn’t have budgeted time for in the past, and say “yes” to new ideas and experiences.

One evening, I dragged myself on a whim to a local hardware meetup so I could learn more about creating a wearable like Buddhi. The organizers announced they would be taking pitches from founders. I had chickened out of karaoke the night before, so I convinced myself that I needed to go up there and speak publicly (my biggest fear at the time). I pushed through it and told a quick story about the importance of disconnecting from our phones. As fate would have it, several pitches later a man with a funny accent told a similar story about balancing our relationship with tech. It was like love at first sight! I didn’t know other people cared about this topic. As soon as the pitches were finished, we gravitated towards each other and did this verbal dance of “I’m interested in your project,” “have you read up on that?” and “exactly!”

Andreas was working with Jorge on Siempo, then a “mindful phone.” This hardware + software product was inspired by Jorge’s experiences traveling abroad on business with a feature phone and feeling amazing, plus Andreas feeling corporate burnout in part from testing lots of smartphones as a product manager at Yahoo. We kept the conversation going. It turned out they were looking for an operations person, and my experience with supply chain and logistics as well as organizational development from my previous employer was a perfect fit (sidenote: it’s curious how each job–or expression of my interests at that time–has been just the right stepping stone for the next thing I feel called to). They gave me a couple of consulting projects and in time I became more excited by Siempo than Buddhi, so I came on full-time in the fall of 2016 🕴

Siempo meant commuting to Oakland everyday, a whole different part of the Bay Area I had wanted to explore. Siempo meant working alongside kind and considerate teammates who created a more human environment to be productive, to be myself and work on myself. Siempo meant doing the real work of finding balance in my personal relationship with technology, and cultivating those skills to be able to help friends and strangers with their own smartphone and social media usage. Siempo meant asking lots of philosophical questions about how to design a whole new experience for potentially billions of people. This was my favorite part: drawing inspiration from ancient wisdom traditions and modern science to create something that could help others reduce suffering and reach their potential.

After years of questioning my place in the business world, including while studying business in undergrad, I finally felt I had found a niche where I could stay motivated because of the abundant societal benefits, as well as a positive feedback loop for my personal life: the more I learned about mindfulness, emotional intelligence and self-care, the better I could perform and translate these learnings into building a great team and product, which would reinforce the personal work and ignite even deeper interest. It was a proud moment when I remembered back to my time in India, wanting to dive deeper into spirituality but telling myself “oh I could never get paid to do anything like that!”

With Siempo I felt very aligned in working on something I was both passionate about and seemed important for the world.

Our mission that fall was to gear up for a spring Kickstarter campaign, to pre-sell units and validate that market demand existed for such a new-to-the-world concept. Despite sincere efforts at creating a culture of work-life balance, the weeks leading up to the campaign were a total grind. Late night calls with manufacturers China, hard product decisions, diminishing bank account. On March 14th, after the first all-nighter of my professional career, we launched to the world 👏

And then fizzled out. The campaign got off to a good start, with hundreds of backers and heaps of positive press, but we plateaued quickly and did not come close to meeting our goal. It was a confusing time, trying to determine where we went wrong and how to move forward.

The feedback was markedly clear that the switching costs for a new device were way too high, but people would be very willing to try and pay for a software version of Siempo on their existing phones. So we scrambled to investigate that path and went out to try to find new investors who believed in it. The emotional roller coaster that ensued the next few months was straight out of HBO’s Silicon Valley: one co-founder decided to leave the company, we entered acquihire conversations, ran out of $, other co-founder decided to leave.. at my 5-year college reunion that month, I was almost certainly the lowest paid and least professionally secure person in the room.

During this phase of uncertainty, I started thinking about what I would do next should we shut down the company for good. I had been compiling a list of dozens of potential moves, but internally felt a pull to stay in this digital wellness space because I felt I was at the frontier of something massive, important, and deeply personal. So when Andreas told me he wanted to scale back his involvement, my immediate reaction was I want to continuing working on this.

The very next day, an investor who backed our Kickstarter campaign came through and gave us a new lease on life! 😂

However, we did not feel right accepting this support unless we had a strong replacement CEO in place. Having developed a funky relationship with the idea of leadership through a series of sour employment experiences, I was neither interested in that position nor feeling eligible. I wasn’t even in the consideration set. So we began interviewing candidates.

A large part of my reluctance to lead stemmed from my perceived limitations in abilities to communicate certain things to friends, family and teammates; anxieties that go way back into my youth. I frequently mumbled and rambled, while my heart would beat out of my chest before any sort of presentation, let alone introducing myself to groups of more than five. Through working with Siempo, I felt I was getting exposure to some important stuff, and wanted to be able to share those learnings effectively. I was motivated to improve my speech skills, from public speaking and articulating ideas to active listening and expressing my feelings.

As I sat with this intention, I was encouraged to ponder what was underlying the fears and insecurities blocking me from sharing my thoughts and emotions, and why I often relied on external sources of validation instead of from within. The intention evolved into: show me trust in my authentic self.

Over the next few weeks of spending time in nature, journaling and meditating, a tornado of inspiration swelled up inside of me. I had having visions of a flourishing human society, and my leadership playing an integral role in getting the world there. We figured out how to make it work, living in loving harmony with each other and balance with the environment and technology 😍💫🌳💨🌙🌈🚀🙌🌻🔥💧🎼🔑🔬🕳🔮⚛xz🙈🙏🏼🎢🔀🔵

I realized that Siempo was the perfect platform with which to start working towards this vision, and tapped into a previously inaccessible confidence that I could lead the team effort.

These visions dissolved a sense of self-doubt, stories that I wasn’t good enough or didn’t have something important to say. I realized trust in my authentic self in seeing that I would be a leader. I gained conviction that this was my time to shine, to kick things into high gear. I am the person to do this. I am an original, a connector, a creative. I am fearless and willing to suffer for this. I have the requisite experience, I live and breathe the mission because I personally struggled with digital addiction, and my focus on inner work allows me to think differently about business and product than other tech entrepreneurs looking to capitalize on the emerging opportunity.

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

— Carl Jung

I gathered the remaining team and pitched them dozens of new ideas I had for Siempo 2.0. The last bullet was that we did not need to spend $X/mo to bring on somebody that was not passionate about this problem. I can take it from here. I am committed to improving my communication and leadership skills, to learn from mentors and teammates and advisors, to put my heart into this project. My purpose is to wake people up from hypnosis of technology and help them connect to the complete self they have been lured away from. We have a huge opportunity to simultaneously solve a gigantic problem for humanity and improve how they show up in the world. We can transform these devices in billions of pockets from tools for attention extraction tools to gifts of empowerment. We will build a wellness filter for the internet that supports humans being. Siempo will be the layer between us and our technology that allows us to flourish.

My team agreed and just like that, I became the steward of what felt like the most important company on Earth 💫🙌🔥

Running the most important company on Earth.

This is the story that I have the privilege of writing.

“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”

— Maya Angelou

As excited as I was to make Siempo a reality, I was just as motivated by the path we could walk to get there in a slightly different way.

Some of the ideas I shared with my team were more radical: becoming a non-profit, implementing a pay-what-you-can model, relieving student debt for employees. The bigger picture was a tapestry of themes about how we could be a better tech company, informed by personal misgivings and both glaring and innovative trends in the business world.

For starters, I have seldom felt comfortable being myself in the workplace, even at some of the flashy startups I gravitated towards. Why not? Seemingly par for the course (with some exceptions) was that hyper-masculine “crushing it” work-harder-play-harder propaganda. Fear-driven, ego-centric, tone-deaf cultures fostering favoritism, violent communication and secrecy. I learned to check my personality at the door every day in order to fit in, seldom feeling safe to reveal parts of my identity and speak my mind. In areas ranging from interpersonal relationships to work-life balance and diversity and inclusion, I experienced the flaws and limitations of decisions that represent the imperfections of the economics of the traditional venture capital treadmill.

In feeling a growing misalignment with my personal values from one early stage startup to another, I constantly questioned my place in the business world, and would repeatedly get into trouble for not conforming to the status quo.

I naturally gravitated towards the learning and development side of each organization I joined. People were always more interesting to me than decks and spreadsheets, so I would often raise my hand for training, culture and recruiting projects because I thoroughly enjoyed thinking about how to make the employee experience better than what I was enduring. I wanted people to feel comfortable being themselves in the workplace. It’s so unfortunate that we’re conditioned to construct false boundaries and wear masks that prevent us from relating on a deeper level.

“We are all of fundamental equal worth. At the same time, our community will be richest if we let all members contribute in their distinctive way, appreciating the differences in roles, education, backgrounds, interests, skills, characters, points of view, and so on.”

–Frederic Laloux, Reinventing Organizations

Had I not felt these pains and frustrations, I may not have come to understand and value them as much as I do now, and prioritize ingraining them in the organizational culture we’re now creating at Siempo. I want different perspectives in the room. I want colleagues to feel psychologically safe. I want us to help each other grow and thrive. I want our customers to feel cared for 😘

If we can’t bring our whole selves to the office, then how can we perform to the best of our abilities and find meaning in our work?

In hindsight, these underwhelming work experiences served as important teachers. Each misgiving taught me an invaluable lesson about organizational and people development. Instead of blindly accepting the ways things were, I learned to listen to my inner compass and make decisions I felt in strong alignment with. Working in tech served as a key initiation to firsthand understand the faults and opportunities within the business world. As uncomfortable as these experiences have been, I’m grateful for the growth they have induced.

It felt so right to rise into a leadership position in 2017 because of the groundswell of progressive business and cultural movements that assured me I would be supported in the ways I want to create moving forward. Times and incentives are changing, as the definition of entrepreneurship evolves from “the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled” to “the pursuit of opportunity with regard to potential long-term consequences.”

It is becoming critical to be mindful of how who one is and what they value will manifest in the team and product they create, and to be sensitive to how these creations might harm others in ways that are sometimes impossible to predict but always possible to stop. To truly care about all one’s stakeholders, internal and external.

As “conscious leadership” becomes in vogue, we are seeing executives focus on inner work and systems thinking, investors launching innovative impact funds, and the cultural conversation shifting towards more ethical design and corporate citizenship. Being a part of this movement gives our work new meaning, not only because we get to experiment at the leading edge of business and organizational innovation, but also because we can be a light for future entrepreneurs and teams eager to create in more wholesome, human ways. We find ourselves asking how we can measure success in different ways, make our product more accessible, collaborate with “competitors,” involve more of our community in decision making.

I was never able to get excited about starting something for the sake of striking it big or proving myself to the world. In fact, I may forever wrestle with the question: my ancestors worked hard and made sacrifices for generations so I could do what? I think about money and purpose a lot, largely due to having a lifetime of the former and dearth of the latter. I readily acknowledge that I grew up with so much, had no student loans, and will likely never be without a meal or a roof over my head. I’ve only known others like me for the majority of my life.

I’m tremendously grateful for these support structures, because they have given me the ability to take untold personal and professional risks in order to expand my perspectives and focus on work that serves my higher purpose. It will take more than living in developing countries and participating in forums to discuss these important questions in order to become fully aware of my biases, undo conditioning from my socioeconomic bubble, and understand our systems from the perspective of others who are not like me. But I intend on using my personal resources–educational, financial, network and other–to figure out how to create and support a future that works for more 🌲

I can’t help but believe we have the resources, creativity and motivation to achieve a society that works for all; it’s just going to take many more of us to participate, and do so from a place of love rather than fear.

I’m still wrestling with these ideas, and claim no expertise on history, philosophy or economics, but am thrilled to apply a more holistic and human-centered approach to growing an organization and bringing a creation into the world that can help people get their lives back. I wake up every day knowing I am doing exactly what I am meant to do, and I draw power from being willing to consider alternative possibilities in all areas 🔭

Technology is at the center of my journey. Though it has often gotten in the way of my life, it has also enabled my development in innumerable ways from human connection to career progression. It is making me a better Andrew. If there is a light at the end of this attention grabbing tunnel, it’s that in becoming more thoughtful about how one uses their devices, social media and the internet, it seems they tend to free up time and space to be bring more of their whole selves into life.

I’m just beginning a journey. I have no idea where my it will take me, only that there are many mountains to climb and lessons to learn. I trust that investing in myself is the best thing I can do for myself, for my friends and family, for Siempo. I trust in the dots connecting and intuition taking me where I’m meant to go.

There is so much work to do, internally and externally. Would you be willing to explore the possibilities with me as we enter one of the most critical time periods in human history, where we have unprecedented influence on creating a better future? I invite you to join me on this quest to figure out how we can all live better together. Let’s heed the call of Buckminster Fuller to:

Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.

If these stories resonate, please comment or share them 💗

If you want to chat more about some of the ideas and experiences I shared, please write me at andrewmurraydunn at gmail dot com. I can also point you in the direction of many brilliant people, places and things to explore in the Bay Area and New York if you want to dive right in to what I’ll call “mindful tech” and “conscious living.” It brings me great joy to connect friends to what they are looking for. We are medicine for each other ❤️

If you are struggling with your relationship with technology, know you can lean on me for support. I think about this all day long and informally coach a number of friends 💚

Thanks for popping by 😊 Thank you for listening, for being a part of my journey, for giving me a chance. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for you 💛

Whatever path you have chosen, I hope you are doing well and thriving. May you be happy. May you be safe. May you be peaceful and at ease 💜

Infinite gratitude,

Andrew Murray Dunn 💙

Andrew Murray Dunn is a Co-Founder and CEO at Siempo, the wellness filter for the internet.

He envisions a world in which we have figured out how to make it work together so each of us can flourish. We have the resources, imagination and motivation to do so.

Find Andrew chirping about digital wellness on Twitter and LinkedIn. Hint: he won’t turn down a Bay Area sunset viewing invitation.

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Andrew Murray Dunn
Andrew Murray Dunn

Written by Andrew Murray Dunn

Innovation Lead at Center for Humane Technology |

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